Sofya Gerges


MyWeatherBuddy was an schoolproject. The assignment revolved around making an multi-device website, the website has to solve a problem for the users while traveling. Multi-device website means the website works on a phone device aswell as it works for a computer device. The focus building the same website with the same style but made for each kind of device.

My design

I choose to build a website related to the weather conditions, cause it has a huge impact on the things you do when someone is traveling. Since weather radars already exist I gave my website a little twist that comes in handy.

Intro picture MyWeatherBuddy

The journey of using MyWeatherBuddy starts before the travel actually begins, the user put the dates they will be on the go and the city they are travelling too. MyWeatherBuddy gives the current weather information for each day and advices which activity is the most compatible with the the weather that day. The suggestions are also provided with discount coupons that give the traveller some money to safe and motivate them to actual go do the activity. It also gives them ideas and have full plans so they make the most out of there vacation.

weather weather

Then we go to part two when the user is on their trip. They can use their smartphone and use the MyWeatherBuddy application. All the coupons and saved activities are available on their phone but they can now also check if the activities they have thought about themselves, are recommended to do on that specific day. This option gives the traveler also the option to see if other activities that were not noted before are good options to do.



If you wanna get a glimpse of the end-result, click the button below!
