Sofya Gerges

About Me

Get to know me a little better

Sofya Gerges

My name is Sofya, I am pursuing a degree in communication and multimedia design. When I was younger, I always found my passions in being creative from drawing and making video edits on my phone. Never knowing that I could find my hobbies in a work field that matched that in a different way.

I would describe myself as someone full of laughter, and I am at my peak when I am passionate about something and the ideas flood me. When I design I try to make everything fit with the aesthetics. My strongest strength is that I am enthusiastic and ambitious about things I want to create. I'm very aware that I'm a starter, but I am also determined to reach a goal, even if it takes a while to get there.

In my spare time I like to draw, watch Netflix series, make video edits, write, catch up with friends and listen to music that makes me feel good or has a valuable meaning.

I am persistent to grow as a designer as I am aware of the fact that it's a field that always changes. And hope to build more experiences and knowledge on tools and programs so it will be easier to envision my idea into a product.

One day I would like to fill the globe with my creations!

Sofya Gerges

Contact me!

Email: LinkedIn