Sofya Gerges

Een Verloren Wereld (Koraal)

During the Information design theme semester, I created a visual story with two other students on assignment/collaboration with the company In60Seconds & Getting The Picture. The assignment was to choose a climate problem and use visual storytelling to convince your target audience of the need for climate action.


We have been busy looking for interesting angles to the subject of the climate challenge. We did this by first looking individually for data sets and topics and from there sketching ideas. The next day we presented the ideas to each other and brainstormed together on how each idea could look like. Now that we have a slightly better idea of the concepts, we are going to elaborate and visualize them further in order to choose a concept as a team.

brainstorm brainstorm brainstorm

From here we chose a concept: coral reefs. We did an in-depth study with style research.


The BLOCKLETTERS as titles of this storyboard and the texts will be in 'Raleway'. The dark colors will be central and light colors/ bright (neon) colors to give direction and focus.

Sketches in Lo-Fi

The style of above with texture and depth mixed with the style of part abstraction with realism.


Also important to note is that we put a lot of time into finding good datasets these provided accurate data for our visual story. This was the most important step before we started the dressing and making. The datasets were the skeleton of our product!



Here we created an outline about all the individual images you might see in the story as you scroll down and thought about what data and information would fit with the visual images you see.

storyboard brainstorm

Animations & Illustrations

I myself have experimented with isometrics in Ilustrator as an exercise and created animations in After Effects: a spinning 2D globe, a swimming diver and swimming fish. I also put together final final images of our visual story and helped with the illustrations.


Not only was this a very fun project to make. I gained a lot of knowlegde about coral reefs in general and learned some new design skills!

De Verloren Wereld