Sofya Gerges

Celestial Planets

During my minor Applied Game Design I made a 2D platformer game in Unity, this was the first time I made a real game. This game consisted of three different levels in which I was allowed to think up every aspect myself. I have studied the style, game mechanics, tried out Unity for the time and made animations. For this project we had 5 weeks.

Original Concept

The idea behind the game is based on fairy going undercover as a spy on earth, you are called to a mission in space. The ozone layer is threatening to disappear which means that soon enough the earth will become uninhabitable and all of humanity will become extinct. To save the world you must find different amulets, each of which can be found on different planets. These are hidden in the heart of each planet, but you can't steal them because that would affect the ecosystem of the respective planet. By clues, defeating your enemies and collecting the ingredients for each elixir you can make the amulet itself. Once you have found all three (or more) of the amulets and put them together you will be able to save the world. After deciding what the concept was I started listing out the game mechanics I wanted and which amking an asset list.

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Level Design

I first began to sketch my level designs and use annotations in doing so. Then I chose to sketch the levels in Illustrator for a part on Illustrator so I could see the level as well as apply the style.

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Inspiration boards

To give an idea of the style I created a number of inspiration boards which were meant to give a start to the style. During the making of the game it became more and more clear what the style would be.

I eventually made three levels each with a certain color as main theme. I used the effect 'Ocean ripple' in Ilustrator and in level 1 I used tube colors, in level 2 a purple theme and in the third theme a green aurora theme. The levels look different but have elements that have the same structure and effects so there is still cohesion.

youaretheuniversie image

Character Design

I started looking on pinterest for inspiration for my character [See previous page]. The style that attracted me was a bit anime-like and gave a bubbly personality. The character gave a cute look at first glance but the personality and clothes had to come across as more serious and confident. In the end I wasn't very happy with the result because I thought it looked too cute and childish, then I came across a completely different style elsewhere that really appealed to me. This style I find a bit more mature and gives the powerful feeling of an independent character. Because it has a more realistic design which makes it more real and serious to my mind.

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Character Sprites (animation)

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The game works fine, but I sadly had problems with exporting the game online. I even asked my teachers for help who had much more experience with Unity. This was kinda sad for me that I could never put out the game online so here is a video of me playing the game on my computer.